I-AM-HEALING.COM - Organic Essiac Tea. 8 Herb Formula with Sheep Sorr
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Essiac Tea










Your Esssiac Tea



    Essiac tea ingredients need to be blended in a specific ratio for the herbal tea to have the desired effect. When blended in the correct ratio, the eight Essiac tea ingredients are believed to have a more powerful effect than each of the herbs taken individually. In other words, the blend provides a synergistic effect on health above and beyond the health-promoting benefits of each of the herbs by themselves.

  • This formula was tested clinically at the Brusch Medical Research Center in Cambridge, MA. Dr. Charles Brusch worked with Rene Caisse to develop the ideal form of orally administered Essiac, and the resulting eight herb formula is the same one that we carry on this website.

Essiac's main action is to remove heavy metals, detoxify the system, restore energy levels and boost and rebuild the immune system.   This will all act to defeat any illness using the body's own resources and defences.  Essiac rebuilds the immune system so that it can rid itself of illness and disease. 


Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years to improve people's health and the western world is now realising the huge impact and value of these amazing herbs . Essiac tea has been used in Canada to treat people with cancer since the early 1900s. The eight herbs that make up Esssiac help the body eliminate toxins, and by doing that they build up the body's immune system.


We only use organic herbs and we use the entire sheep sorrel plant

including roots.  

Sheep Sorrel root is the essential ingredient in Essiac Tea.





 Essiac is beneficial for the following health conditions. 


1. High Blood Pressure

2. Chronic Fatigue

3. Chronic Pain

4. Diabetes

5. Arthritis

6. Kidney and Bladder problems

7. Ulcers

8. Liver Problems

9. Colon Trouble

10. Sinus Trouble

11. Gout

12. Pneumonia and Chest Colds

13. High Cholesterol

14. Diarrhea

15. Constipation

16. Asthma

​And many more.

Organice Esssiac Tea Dosage


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